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Leveraging our local knowledge, research expertise, and collaborative approach, we empower your business with insightful market research.


Large statistical surveys are conducted for a variety of reasons. These surveys may be conducted through a census or a representative sample survey. Surveys provide important information in all research fields. We help our clients design surveys, choose the appropriate sampling design, collect, process and analyze the data collected through the surveys. Our forte is adherence to quality in large-scale surveys. If you are planning a census or a large statistical survey, contact us immediately.

Establishment Surveys

Such surveys involve collecting information from various types of businesses operating in the service industry such as hotels, restaurants, education, health, banking, telecom etc.

Utilities Sector Surveys

These surveys generally cover customer satisfaction surveys, U&A surveys, brand health surveys etc. for utilities such as water, electricity, telecom etc.

FDI Surveys

TWG has experience of conducting surveys on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

FDI surveys involve collecting comprehensive financial information about investors, including balance sheets, profit/loss accounts, apart from their domestic production, sales, export & manpower data in addition to future plans and problems.

Land Use Surveys

Land use Surveys are conducted to study the changes in the usage of land and economic growth pattern. TWG team has experience of conducting land use surveys for government and private sector clients.

These surveys enumerate parcel level data of all types of uses of land including Residential, Commercial, and Industrial, Services and white lands and buildings under construction.

Industrial Survey

Industrial surveys are conducted to develop a comprehensive database of industries in the country. The exercise provides the following valuable outcomes for better-informed policymaking:

  • Evaluate the productivity of the industrial sector
  • Assess the financial performance of the industrial sector
  • Evaluate the employment in industry
  • Develop future plans and strategies for the industrial sector
  • Formulating appropriate industrial policies to provide planned direction to the future course of industrial development.
  • Enabling a country to determine its relative industrial position among the countries of the world.

Household Surveys (Socio-Economic Surveys)

TWG has experience of carrying out household surveys covering independent units (apartments, villas etc.) and residential complexes/compounds.

These surveys collect information on demographic and socio-economic variables such as income, expenditure, migration, poverty, unemployment etc.

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    Why not talk business with us?

    Reach out to our representatives and start your journey toward expanding your business, improving agility, boosting profitability, and achieving overall success.

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